Movement Program


“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”

“All creative activity begins with movement.”

Steiner education acknowledges the importance of movement.  which is backed up today by Contemporary research into the fields of brain development and synaptic pathways supports this position. Growing awareness of different learning styles in children shows indicates that kinaesthetic learners need innovative techniques using movement.

At Rainbow Ridge we use a variety of movement modalities that to address the needs of children according to their developmental stages.

Many times the day starts Most days begin with movement., which often is Smaller children enjoy skipping, an activity that develops to complex skills over the years. Then The class teachers integrate movement at the beginning of their lessons using bean bags, felt balls to practise coordination and balance, and use rhythm for learning time tables and speaking poetry. In music lessons movement is also plays an integral part. Different dance forms are learned in connection with cultural history, festivals and plays. Very importantly, our outdoor education program fosters movement in nature. Teachers organise excursions taking students on walks in our beautiful National Parks; participate in circus arts, surfing lessons at the coast and the Greek Olympics – held yearly for class five students meeting their equals peers from other Steiner Schools. Our playground has several open fields for games, as well as bushland for building cubbies and creative play. Beautifully constructed build climbing frames support movement activities in the students break during recess and lunch times.

There are two movement forms unique to the Steiner curriculum: which is Eurythmy and Bothmer Gymnastics. We are fortunate at Rainbow Ridge School to have a class teacher who is a trained Bothmer teacher as well. As well we have a Eurythmy teacher living locally teaching one day per week the different classes. And we have locally a very experienced Curative Eurythmy teacher who is involved in the school giving Eurythmy classes to teaching staff and supporting teachers with movement in their classes, as well as seeing students for Curative Eurythmy (see the Learning Support Program).


In the classroom Eurythmy teaches a series of movements that can be accompanied by speech, music or song. Educational benefits of this practise include: sustained concentration; poise; balance; coordination; grace; dexterity and social awareness. As well as enhancing the subject areas studied by the students, Eurythmy has the potential to strengthen the wellbeing of the child through supporting their feelings, imaginative capacities and their inner life.

“A human being is a form arising out of movement. Eurythmy is the continuation of Divine Movement, the Divine form in human beings. Through Eurythmy we can come nearer the Divine than we otherwise could.” Rudolf Steiner

Eurythmy is taught weekly in all Primary School and Middle School classes in our school hall, where students meet with a dedicated Eurythmy teacher.

If you would like to know more about Eurythmy go to the SEA (Steiner Education Australia) website

More information about Eurythmy is available from



In the classroom Bothmer Gymnastics teaches a series of movements focussing on the physical development and “will” forces in the growing child.  and Bothmer aims to develop the child’s sense of movement, spatial awareness, sense of balance and inner equilibrium, and sense of bodily wellbeing, through a series of exercises developing fine and gross motor control. to This builds social, emotional and individual health and resilience. By actively participating in precise movement forms the child cultivates and experiences a strong sense of self. Through the work of Bothmer Gymnastics and games the children build a healthy body, strong self-esteem, positive relationships, and the ability to make appropriate choices and as well as a sense of connection to their surroundings.  Bothmer instruction takes place twice weekly for children class 3 and above, in our school hall.

Further information about Bothmer gymnastics can be found at  We recommend this excellent article by Paul Matthews :


As well Steiner indicated emphasised the importance of imaginative play and instructs how this is to be nurtured for the child. With this The focus is on having fun and learning important skills, many of which may be used to reinforce learning. The freedom to create, recreate and adapt is the most important element in healthy games, and  leading to the development of social skills – as the ‘rules’ are negotiated and become a temporary social contract. Skills are secondary, but a huge variety of gross and fine motor skills are exercised. In many great games, word communication skills, and stratagies (both physical and nonphysical) are just as important as the running, jumping, dodging, hiding etc. The child can play a game with their whole being to whatever degree they are capable of. Where possible games involve everyone and emphasise working together. All games have negotiable rules and to negotiate as negotiation is an important part of games for children under 11. The ‘game’ must remain fun for all, and must be inclusive and ‘fair’. Enjoyment and skill development must always have priority over ‘winning’.

Sports are formalised games with objective rules and strategies that are designed to win. The skills are usually defined and can be trained. They provide a disciplined structure that many children seek from class 6 onward complimenting the study of Rome, objective law and order.

Bothmer is taught in the school’s hall twice per week and the program starts in class 3 or our combined class 3&4.

If you like to know more about Bothmer Gymnastics read the article by Paul Mathews “What is Bothmer?”

“What is outwardly expressed through movement is inwardly brought to rest within the soul of the child.” R.Steiner