Class 2

The child moving up to year 2 is turning 8 years old. The magic world is still a reality with an insatiable yearning to know who they are- their origin and their past. These inner yearnings as well as dreams and other nameless soul-stirrings are a strong (unconscious) aspect how the world is perceived.  A desire arises to know what is allowed and what is forbidden and stability is gained through their surroundings and the establishment of boundaries.

The life forces are focused on the respiration processes and the diaphragm becomes more defined. The artistic presentation of the lesson content helps the child with the life forming processes as well as lightheartedness and laughter.

The generative impulse in this second year can be addressed through stories of Ancient India, Celtic tales, Animal Fables and stories of Saints which all convey wisdom and moral values. The stories speak strongly to the imagination of the child. The class two child is full of curiosity and is able to work towards a broader understanding of the world at large.


The children are introduced to the Lower Case alphabet, grammar, poetry and a basic reading program. The children will read sentences from the black board, their own book work and teacher made readers. The teacher tells stories from Ancient India, Celtic Narratives, Animal Fables, Saintly Lives, World Legends and Local Surrounds.

Mathematics/Form Drawing/Geometry

Math includes Time Tables and Number Patterns, Place Value, Magic Numbers, Lay out Sums and Form Drawing.

Science/Home Surrounds

Science builds on class one lessons and extends to the seasons, the kingdom of minerals, plants, animals and man and venturing out a bit further from home and school.


Continuation of crayon drawings and wet on wet painting, playing recorder, using percussion instruments and performing songs, music, speaking of verses and drama.


These are the same as for Class 1

Activities include skipping, climbing, throwing and catching, swimming, Eurythmy and cooperative and interactive games drawn from the imagination, gardening, sand and water play, sequences of hopping, skipping, jumping, galloping and running, rope jumping and skipping, balancing, bush walking, ball games, running-chasing-hiding games.


Hand stitching, knitting, origami, dyeing, simple cloth puppets, felt toys, bees wax and clay modelling , using and making tools.